Monday 23 March 2009

The Ides of March

Well, technically it is not longer the Ides of March, but I won't let that ruin my catchy title.

The last few weeks here have been insanity. I am writing a huge paper for my International Law class, which I wish could say was going well, but who am I kidding. All I can now say, is that I know have a newfound respect for lawyers, especially international lawyers, who are willing to trudge through the hundreds of pages that make up treaties and ICJ cases and come out of it with some sense of what it actually said. I have this crazy theory  that pages 63-120 of the Nuclear Weapons Advisory case is just a bunch of words strung together with complete disregard for any actual meaning. But then again, I could be wrong.

It is really funny to think that it took getting me all the way to Scotland to turn me into this crazy sports fan. I am watching like 12 times the amount of televised sports I have ever watched in the past, which is really to say, like 1 game a week. But that is a major uptick for me. I am a newfound rugby convert (Katie was so right about this being a totally awesome sport). I have been following the 6 nations tournament, and naturally have been cheering for Scotland. It was really sad on Saturday when they basically got demolished by the English team and the guy sitting next to me in the pub leaned over to his friend and said, "So indicative of the England/Scotland relationship".  It is so much fun to going to pubs to watch the games, although after the 5th time the medics were called onto the field to make sure that one of players hadn't broken his neck, I began to worry about the sanity of playing this particular game.

I am also getting really into the NCAA basketball championship, which has pretty much everyone I know flummoxed. I entered a bracket and a betting pool with some friends in the hall. I will fully admit to copying most of my bracket from President Obama. This was totally fine for everybody when I was tied for last place at the end of the 1st round. However, now that I am currently in 1st, it is starting to tick some people off. As my friend Erikk (a big republican) put it, "It's not losing to a girl (who has never followed basketball before) that bugs me. It's the fact that I am losing to Obama. I didn't know socialists were good at basketball". I just told him it was sour grapes and that he should bow down to the intellect of our current president. 

On other notes, I am really excited about Spring break which starts on Friday. I am going to Paris, Athens, Santorini and Rome. 

I have included some random pictures from St. Patrick's Day and around town. I hope you are all doing well. I miss you all.



  1. Your diary helps me in the study english. thank you

  2. Good luck on the huge paper- that doesn't sound like much fun. It does sound like your spring break is going to be amazing, though. I loved Rome when I was there in January.
    I miss you, Steffi! Thanks for the awesome blog posts :).



    and yeah. the ncaa thing. my whole world is spinning.

    excited to see youuuuu!!!!!

  4. Steffi, you're behind on your blog again. I need you to write more so I can procrastinate more on my Islamic Civ term paper!
